Safety is our priority.


Our rentals are all about fun, but first there are a few safety tips to follow.

  1. Must be 16 to operate Ebikes.

  2. Wear a Helmet.

  3. Be careful with mounting and dismounting. Most injuries happen when you mount and dismount your ebike, especially for older riders and young riders with mobility issues. Since an electric bike weighs more than a conventional bike, the added weight can cause you to lose balance or tip over.

  4. Speed check. Most riders with a new ebike tend to go for the fastest assist setting right away. But it’s advisable to learn how to use your bike at lower speed settings to get used to it first. Try riding with different pedal assists and gear selections in an area with very little or no traffic to get a complete understanding of how your bike best responds.

  5. Brake earlier. With the speed you’re going, braking becomes more important. Just like any vehicle, you should slow down ahead of stop signs and road crossings before halting to a full stop. Familiarize yourself with your electric bike’s brakes and relative power so you can gauge the safest time to slow down.

  6. Make yourself seen.

  7. Check your feet. Wear shoes that cover your feet and that do not easily slip off.

  8. Obey traffic laws.

  9. Watch for wildlife.

  10. Drugs & Alcohol are prohibited.